12/01/2010, 03:58 AM
12/01/2010, 06:04 AM
Back to AC... Well Sensei theoretically AC4A is deadly simple yes, but I still suck.... 
I can pull of pretty nice maneuvers but aiming with the right stick at the same time kills my hand/eye coordination
I needz Keyboard + Mouse in AC

I can pull of pretty nice maneuvers but aiming with the right stick at the same time kills my hand/eye coordination

I needz Keyboard + Mouse in AC

12/01/2010, 06:09 AM
SkyDX Wrote:I needz Keyboard + Mouse in AC
Keyboard + mouse superior in everything.
Besides for stuff like Tekken. No actually, if you could use the mouse to do the up down left right, keyboard + mouse would be better at Tekken too.
12/01/2010, 06:35 AM
um, sadly, no.
12/01/2010, 06:49 AM
Heartless141 Wrote:um, sadly, no.
Well, that would depend a lot on what you're more accustomed to. For me I'd easily do better keyboard+mouse. I fucking loose at everything when I play with console controllers.
12/01/2010, 06:55 AM
forward forward on Dpad:
on mouse:
Forward, backward, forward.
on Dpad:
forward, down, HOLD downforward.
one simple forward, then down and slide toward forward.
on mouse?
foward, back, down, and you have to draw a freaken curve.
good luck with that.
not to mention it's impossible hold down a direction with a mouse.
not to mention precisions.
forward is a simple light press.
a mouse movement to the right, if too long, you a simple press would turn into SOMETHING LIKE a hold down forward.
if too short, then it would be an awkward brake.
on mouse:
Forward, backward, forward.
on Dpad:
forward, down, HOLD downforward.
one simple forward, then down and slide toward forward.
on mouse?
foward, back, down, and you have to draw a freaken curve.
good luck with that.
not to mention it's impossible hold down a direction with a mouse.
not to mention precisions.
forward is a simple light press.
a mouse movement to the right, if too long, you a simple press would turn into SOMETHING LIKE a hold down forward.
if too short, then it would be an awkward brake.
12/01/2010, 07:22 AM
You're probably right.
But the last time I played with console controllers, I got my donkey handed to me (in an FPS) with 4 kills to some large amount like over 30. He could jump circles around me and I still won't hit him. He wasn't full godlike or anything, I'm just completely poo poo with console controllers, because I don't own a console at home. Not due to fanboyism, but because I'd like never be able to use it if even if I do have one.
downforward would just be a mouse movement in that diagonal direction. so would be like.... forward, down, diagonal-down. Or maybe forward, down, curve-up.
Yeah, that won't work too well. Unless they maybe try to integrate the right and left clicks into it, but then it'll probably become way complicated. EDIT: something like hold right click to hold all current positions?
Didn't really think all that much into it before making the comment. Just thought the mouse would sort of give you more freedom and control than the direction pad, which is certainly true for stuff like FPS', but I guess it doesn't work too well here.
But the last time I played with console controllers, I got my donkey handed to me (in an FPS) with 4 kills to some large amount like over 30. He could jump circles around me and I still won't hit him. He wasn't full godlike or anything, I'm just completely poo poo with console controllers, because I don't own a console at home. Not due to fanboyism, but because I'd like never be able to use it if even if I do have one.
Heartless141 Wrote:on Dpad:
forward, down, HOLD downforward.
one simple forward, then down and slide toward forward.
on mouse?
foward, back, down, and you have to draw a freaken curve.
downforward would just be a mouse movement in that diagonal direction. so would be like.... forward, down, diagonal-down. Or maybe forward, down, curve-up.
Heartless141 Wrote:not to mention it's impossible hold down a direction with a mouse.
Yeah, that won't work too well. Unless they maybe try to integrate the right and left clicks into it, but then it'll probably become way complicated. EDIT: something like hold right click to hold all current positions?
Didn't really think all that much into it before making the comment. Just thought the mouse would sort of give you more freedom and control than the direction pad, which is certainly true for stuff like FPS', but I guess it doesn't work too well here.
12/01/2010, 07:32 AM
FPS does have more advantages with mouse and keyboard. but Analogs has its advantages too. the consistent moving speed of the crosshair. you can do it with with the mouse, but simply harder.
also, RPGs, like DMC and stuffs, not Fallout or anything. work better with the dualshock. no exception there.
and everyone has trouble with analogs the first time when they are already used to mouse and keyboard. same goes for me too. the first time i touched halo was hell. but DMC3SE and God of War just come naturally :P.
and hey, just because you hate FPS on the controller, doesn't mean you can't do anything else with it.
all RPGs is easier with controllers (except a fixed 3rd person camera like fallout or GTA, those work well on both)
then again you can get one of those for PC too.
you should, really really should get a ps3 sometimes this year.
also, RPGs, like DMC and stuffs, not Fallout or anything. work better with the dualshock. no exception there.
and everyone has trouble with analogs the first time when they are already used to mouse and keyboard. same goes for me too. the first time i touched halo was hell. but DMC3SE and God of War just come naturally :P.
and hey, just because you hate FPS on the controller, doesn't mean you can't do anything else with it.
all RPGs is easier with controllers (except a fixed 3rd person camera like fallout or GTA, those work well on both)
then again you can get one of those for PC too.
you should, really really should get a ps3 sometimes this year.
12/01/2010, 07:54 AM
Heartless141 Wrote:you should, really really should get a ps3 sometimes this year.
It's not the finance or fanboyism that's the problem. It's because I won't be able to use it much at all, so not really worth it. My parents HATE me playing games, and a lot of the time there's also someone else on that large plasma TV in the lounge room. (The only other TV in the house is in my parents room... good luck with that. EDIT: actually, there's another TV in the kitchen as well, but can't set up any consoles on that, not enough space). PC gaming is sort of fine because the computer's in a way less public location compared to the TV, and it's not as obvious that I'm gaming (easy to alt+tab in the times it takes someone to open the door and walk around the bend to see the computer).
Heartless141 Wrote:also, RPGs, like DMC and stuffs, not Fallout or anything. work better with the dualshock. no exception there.
Yeah, for RPGs, controllers probably better.
Heartless141 Wrote:FPS does have more advantages with mouse and keyboard. but Analogs has its advantages too. the consistent moving speed of the crosshair. you can do it with with the mouse, but simply harder.
Don't really see how that's useful, maybe only very few and far between instances. Mouse moves the crosshair to exactly were you need with extreme precision and speed (from years of practice when using Windows normally), that's pretty much exactly what you need with FPS'.
Also I've seen RTS' on consoles before... how to effectively micro your units with an analog controller is still a mystery to me. Also no hotkeys, unit groupings and such.
12/01/2010, 07:57 AM
Tom Clancy's Endwar was decent. for an RTS on console that is. with voice control as a nice touch. :P
and oh i see about your gaming problem.
time to move out! hint hint :P
as for the advantage in FPS. it require less skills to aim with that, theoretically. cbs with the explaining. it's only from my point of view anyway.
and oh i see about your gaming problem.
time to move out! hint hint :P
as for the advantage in FPS. it require less skills to aim with that, theoretically. cbs with the explaining. it's only from my point of view anyway.