Most n00bs just lack common sense in a way or think that they are DA KING.... v_v
If a newb friendly asks for help I will gladly help out but n00bs are usually a lost case...
pretty sure no one trolls any more :-/
SchmilK Wrote:pretty sure no one trolls any more :-/
Sure they do.
But yeah, most n00bs you find probably aren't trolls.
I lol'd at the troll entry.
kids fail people trolls
people with little forum/internet experience
+those who are simply to lazy to do anything for themselves :/
Assassinator Wrote:SchmilK Wrote:pretty sure no one trolls any more :-/
Sure they do.
But yeah, most n00bs you find probably aren't trolls.
In fact, they are non-n00bs who troll n00b threads.
How does I post a picture?? I found a good one but it doesn' show. :(
Oh wait LOL i see da prob. How can i edit my post?
Somebod1e tell me. >:( Ur all gay donkey bitches.
Joomla12 Wrote:Somebod1e tell me. >:( Ur all gay donkey bitches.
donkey BITCH D:<