Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Gran Turismo 5 in March
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OK, So heres the dealio.

Japan have had a March release date for a while now.
Amazon.com (US) has March 31.
Amazon.de has nothing.
Amazon.co.uk also has nothing

But, Amazon.fr also says March 31 with a special edition also listed.

I don't think I need to convince anyone who has a PS3 about this game. 1000+ Cars with World Rally Championship, NASCAR, Indy Racing League and Super GT.


So hopefully this means March for UK as well, in which case it will be FFXIII and GT5 for the month! Gaming heaven! woohoo!
brain damageamageamageamage

woo gt5 for the win
Star Ocean 4 is the same, it should be out beginning of Feb but no where im willing to buy from (only 2 dodgy looking online sites) has it listed as even being released, let alone a date :(

EDIT: Tell a lie. its finally listed on Amazon
Hmm... I am not really into car sim/racing games, so not looking forward to this one. However, like Roberth, I AM looking for a finalised shipping date for Star Ocean.
Bad news.

Sony just announced an indefinite delay for Gran Turismo 5.

Wait. Might not be so bad after all according to Wiki - "However, Sony said the currently undisclosed North American and European release dates were unaffected by the Japanese delay.[25] Sony offered a rare apology for disruptions caused by this new delay."
I screamed on the inside, then smiled on the outside when reading those two posts
Amazon.fr suggests that GT5 will have a european release in September. You heard it here first.
oh god i want this game so bad

i guess sony are really making us wait for this one........ but it should be immense
After all the delays it should be a bloody masterpiece or I will be thoroughly disappoint
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