Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] CrazyRed Animated v1.2a for 5.00
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nice animated by 藍色 (Aiiro)

Source: YouTube

Quote:in case black screen after reboot, hex edit the CTF, 0x85EF40, rename "pspboot" to "opening"

my CR5400 card cannot use pspboot prx..
NICE LOL (downloading now)
OMFG just tested this theme its fudgeing amazing WOW!!! this is 1 of the best themes i have ever seen on the psp.
This looks off the hook!   Madwin

Sad to hear about CR5400 card not being compatible with pspboot prx.
I have a CR5400 with 32GB of memory in my PSP  :O
I'll test it on mine, and see if it works for me.  (I'll post my results.)

And I just have to say one more time:  amazing theme!    Madwin
WOW!! video looks awesome!!

wish this theme was also for 550gen :(

Well sad to say that pspboot.prx does work on my CR5400 on 16gb's.
Hi! EndlessParadigm members. Nice to meet you.Hi
This is my first animated theme!Flatterd
thank you for using.

>>To matchung
Thank you for introducing this theme:)
you are welcome, great theme ;)
AIIRO Wrote:Hi! EndlessParadigm members. Nice to meet you.Hi
This is my first animated theme!Flatterd
thank you for using.

>>To matchung
Thank you for introducing this theme:)

Wow - this is your first theme?  Impressive   Madwin
Hope you decide to make more   :)
AIIRO Wrote:Hi! EndlessParadigm members. Nice to meet you.Hi
This is my first animated theme!Flatterd
thank you for using.

>>To matchung
Thank you for introducing this theme:)

Greetings!!  Glad to see people utilizing rcomage!!  Seems very few english theme makers are 1) still making themes and 2) doing any animations....

keep it up!!
wow nice theme!! I've been wanting this kind of theme in my psp, thanks AIIRO
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