Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] CrazyRed Animated v1.2a for 5.00
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Pages: 1 2
Inluv I just love the spell circles...

also good job on your first theme Madwin
nice theme! :D
hope it has a 5.50 version :( i can't convert it.
from now I'll make this theme for 5.50GEN version.

please wait for a while.
this looks amazing! I want that 5.50 ver. now!  lol  :3
AIIRO Wrote:from now I'll make this theme for 5.50GEN version.

please wait for a while.


Music to my ears, lol...

I will look forward to your released conversion :D
OMG! This theme is just too awesome! Love the animation! HAd to use Nand Manager to go back to 5.00M33 again since I am on 5.50 GEN-D3. Would be nice to see this on 5.50 though! AIIRO, you did a very good job on your first theme! 凄い腕の持ち主だよ!一言で言うと、素晴らしい!また何か作って下さいね!Inluv
Um aiiro the theme you created are the best that i ever seen and every time i use your theme on my psp my friends are all saying WOW what a perfect theme. But i have a question about a cintro or pspboot just like your theme how to run a cintro on a ctf theme just like yours or what files do i need to activate the cintro play?
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