Senseito7 Wrote:Heartless141 Wrote:yeah I'm aiming for a decent job. but me myself not even sure what i want to be. but it will turn out well if i like the subject i think. eg I'm a good listener, if i become a psychologist, I'll be giving people advices about life etc. can't remember what's they call that job.
etc etc.
Isn't that sort of like Counseling?
meh, everyone goes through that "I have so many things i want to do but i don't know double you tee eff to do"
my remedy is to try and do ALL you can at once, you'll automatically start scratching things out that you don't like doing and get set on your course for what you want to do. Like zinga said, you can switch courses and majors; whilst this would be a waste of money, i would suggest you try to give yourself a taste out of all those courses by reading books on the topics or such.
This is really YOUR choice, so you need to make up your mind one way or another; don't let us tell you what is better and what isn't

yeah, that's it.
@tetris. i suppose so.i imagine i'd be a good counselor. so it currently my top choice.
haven't really think about anything else apart from astronauts and teacher.
I'll give cooking some thoughts. but chances are i can learn it from other people instead of taking it seriously
Heartless141 Wrote:yeah, that's it.
@tetris. i suppose so.i imagine i'd be a good counselor. so it currently my top choice.
haven't really think about anything else apart from astronauts and teacher.
I'll give cooking some thoughts. but chances are i can learn it from other people instead of taking it seriously
then the simple answer is do what you need to do to reach counselling at this moment, that's basically all you need be thinking about right now. i think you need to be less pestered by your other choices in the fact that you want to do them as well but can't; the worse case scenario is that you'll just end up spending money here and there in different fields but you WILL find something you really want to do.
e.g. a guy i knew went into the army because he thought he would like being a technician, turns out it didn't work for him and he came back, pathetic; but at least he's going for something he wants to do rather than buckle up and sucker through a job that he necessarily didn't want, technically saving him time and energy in a sense that he didn't need to blow all of his life on it.
I just got accepted for a University here.
Got into my first choice, double major, Marketing management and Communication arts.
is it only me or people i found on the net is always around my age?
Go for a global job! Move around the world!
By the way.. if you take Physics, you may end up at a facility like Black Meas and have to fight the Aliens. So that sounds fun.
Psychology isn't just about counselling. That's just generally what people know it to be. There's all sorts of other things which involve psychology. An example could be an aircraft safety system - it needs to be designed that pilots, for example, can properly handle the situation if there's an issue. On a similar note, it can also be applied to computer user interfaces - eg what's the easiest for someone to understand or most intuitive? I'm not good at explaining this, but I hope you understand what I'm getting at.
@zinga, thanks. i did a little research before about this. interrogation, marketing, even making contracts, they are all relevant. psychology is a pretty general term for it. i found a giant list of what course are being offer in japan. still trying to understand em all.
pretty interesting stuffs.
and fein, would you kindly be a bit more serious?
Heartless141 Wrote:is it only me or people i found on the net is always around my age?
probably? but i'd assume people who have been in uni would have a greater understanding of what it's like to make these choices, that's why zinga is here. xD
Oh.. I didn't realize that people still think so little of Psychology... I would have studied it if I had the chance....
Hearty... It all comes down to what you want to do. Really. None of anything else matters. You may say Gaming is just a hobby and you don't want to make it your career, but what matters is making a career of something you like doing. Not only gamin, of course.
I tried marketing for 3 months and though I earned enough, it just was not for me. Got into testing and it was fun, despite the negligible perks... then this happened.... Couldn't have asked for more. I've never been this serious about anything in life.
What I mean to say here is that it entirely depends on your personality. If you can adjust anywhere, then go for something that you can enjoy. But if you, like me, just can't, then that limits the choices.