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Full Version: Who here likes/dislikes anime!!
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New Poll
Who here cares if anyone else likes Anime or not?
Wee have an Anime/Manga section.


Look before making a topic. Thanks.
./xitherun.sh Wrote:Who here cares if anyone else likes Anime or not?

he just wants to try and make some sort of point, and at the moment, is failing.
I could care less to be honest. Some anime I can watch (Cowboy Bebop, Case Closed, Elfen Lied, Death Note, etc.) while others I can't stand mainly because I expect girls to watch them (K-On, Lucky Star, etc.).

[Image: obvious_troll.jpg]
k-on and lucky star where awesome how dare you ¬_¬
LookingFudgeids Wrote:New Poll

obvious noob who hasn't watched any good anime is obvious and a noob
double you tee eff. I swear I locked this thread.

whether you like it or not is an irrelevent topic - if you do, say so in the why you like anime thread or Get the fudge out the Anime/Manga forum.
Rukia Wrote:
Joomla12 Wrote:I could care less to be honest. Some anime I can watch (Cowboy Bebop, Case Closed, Elfen Lied, Death Note, etc.) while others I can't stand mainly because I expect girls to watch them (K-On, Lucky Star, etc.).
k-on and lucky star where awesome how dare you ¬_¬

You = girl, am I not correct?
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