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Full Version: PS3 Hack - MotorStorm Exploit to Run PS3 Backups
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[Image: 211qm8p.png]
Today MysticHades has posted a video on YouTube of a MotorStorm PS3 hack that has once again surfaced (it originally hit http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_ps3-carga...an_1325496 and PS3News.com this past November), demonstrating an exploit used to run PS3 backups.

He has also set up a http://lululombard.free.fr/motorstorm.php with links to a http://lululombard.free.fr/mystichades/tutorip.pdf and the related http://lululombard.free.fr/mystichades/save3.10ms.zip.

Below is a roughly translated version of the French tutorial with a better English translation by stef1578 HERE:
I’ve a PS3 40gb first revision.. so a FAT.

I plug my sixasix, so i proof there is no other ps3 behind.

Wee need motorsport, the first, i’ve the platinium and i don’t know if it work with the non platinium.

«He speaks about the resolution»

So he runs the game, wee have an information because wee are in 1080p
Now, wee have to eject motorstorm, there is a freeze.

«back on the xmb...»

Now, wee have to insert the backup, here i’ve PES 08

This trick work only with blank blureay, doesn’t work with blank dvd/cd...

There is no crash, wee are back on the xmb, wee can start the game.

That works with an overfload of the CPU.
There is a SPE, which one «work never» this name is de hyperviseur, and, he’s locked when there is an overfload..
During this time, the other core works (there is 8spe and one of them is never used, well he’s used but it’s because it’s de superviseur... hyperviseur, i don’t remember).

When he’s locked (hyperviseur), the ps3 crach because, there are no secure anymore, and it’s during this timae that you can run a realy short unisgned code (this unsigned code here is to say that it’s an original game)...

«he speaks about PES 08»

So wee have the potentiel to lunch an unsigned code...

Wee have to eject the game because it’s a backup

«when i re-insert the backup, doesn’t work anymore»

«He shows information about the ps3.. (Version 3.10) and he says that it’s the last version.)

So, if you developed an isoloader, and you burn it on a blueray, it should work, i’m not sur at 100% but if wee can lunch an unisgned code... it must work...

«he sorry because the vidéo is posted a little bit late...»

Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/forums/ps3-hacks/...z0bbuQLsJv
Currently, due to time constraints, I will not detail each step, I just put the key actions you need to do.



Step 1: Install Ubuntu on your PS3 (or kubuntu)
Step 2: Install Windows XP on Ubuntu
Step 3: Install CloneCD on Windows XP and connect to network another PC so has seen in My Network Places. I do not know if AnyDVD HD is necessary, but I installed it for me
Step 4: Open CloneCD, select new image, insert the game, select "Protected PC Game", change the extension to ISO.
Step 5: Ripper Blu-Ray on PC via network favorites.
Step 6: Burn with ImgBurn (or CloneCD) in 1X on the PC or has been ripped game

Here is the original Spanish post, roughly translated:

DEMONH seen... was waiting for the right moment to break the news but good to say it and so wee can finish with such nonsense condensed crellendo people who are still superior.

PS3 backups load thanks to an exploit discovered when it is considered necessary is to upload a video showing the event. My way of working will protect this exploit and not give details of how this occurs so that might not make the same mistakes of the past.

You have to patch both updates as other functions, the iso is not worth anyone... It requires a different process than those generated in linux are not worth keeping the encryption layer.

The exploit creates a CheckStop that generates a reboot and does not load everything back into memory but the function of pre patched disk and run the new copy.

The models are tested 40/60/80. The games tested are 3, Killzone 2, Burnout Paradise and PES 2008.

And this is all for now I will not talk any more about it and I hope this thread remains to discuss the jtag, because if I opened this investigation was to help people who have my same problem... broken plate reader pior testing.

Source: YouTube

Another video:

[Image: nm1cev.jpg]

source: PS3 News
WOW... Not worth it!
Huh....One more step closer to CFW for the PS3.
ooooh shi~
so, should i get a copy of MotorStorm?
matchung Wrote:so, should i get a copy of MotorStorm?

If your PS3 supports Other OS, and you have a Blu Ray DVD Burner.
still. not worth the paper.
Frankly.. I hope PS3 is never hacked.
feinicks Wrote:Frankly.. I hope PS3 is never hacked.

Pirated backups and online cheating would be a bad thing..
But I would love to have emulators and homebrew running on it  :D
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:
matchung Wrote:so, should i get a copy of MotorStorm?

If your PS3 supports Other OS, and you have a Blu Ray DVD Burner.

yes, that's another consideration... BD disc & burner are not cheap as DVD Emptyone
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