Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Break Blade anime
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if you recall my manga thread, the manga is excellence, but an anime for it would be uber since all the awesome actions cannot be filled with just panels.

Source: YouTube

from what i have heard, it's movie type, 6 ep, 50 min each!
Hmm...interesting. This will make it somewhat different than normal anime. I would really like it if the episodes were longer.
That somehow reminded me of Armored Core :o
well, they are both mecha xD
Yeah, and I've seen many mecha Animes but this one gives a strange familiar Armored Core feeling xD
yosh, just watched ep1, awesomeness confirmed. not gonna post a new thread since most people here are not really interested in Mechs

and mechs here are more realisticc than others, as in they don't shoots beams and use random cool looking laser blades.

pistols and brute blade for the win!
Video has been removed T_T
Source: YouTube

a different trailer, but should suffice.
Hmm, interesting.
I actually haven't watched much mecha anime but I do think big battle machines are badass.
I have not watched much mecha anime

this looks interesting enough though
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