Endless Paradigm

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Thanks to RCOMage wee have been able to master all parts of an RCO except VSMX which is found in LFTV RCOs and UMD Video RCOs. Anybody know how to use VSMX? I'm trying to make custom UMD Video ISOs and would like to know what it does and can do?
All I know (header):

0x0	ascii string "VSMX"
0x4	always seems to be 0x00010000 (version?)
0x8	always 0x34? (length of next section?)
	OR length of header
0xC	length of body ?

0x10	offset of some text...
0x14	length of previous sect
0x18	num texts in previous section?

0x1C	offset of some text
0x20	length of section of previous sect
0x24	num texts in previous sect

0x28	offset of some text
0x2C	length of previous sect
0x30	num texts in prev sect

Haven't bothered to really look at other stuff.  From memory there's some event text in there (usually prefixed with "script:/").  From various sources, I'm guessing this is the compiled UMD virtual machine instructions file, so most of it is probably encoded instructions.
Basically, I think it controls the UMD menus to some degree.

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