Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Over the Moon [LSDJ]
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Pages: 1 2
another LSDJ piece, lol.

and another New Zealand theme'd name.

Over the Moon was the place wee tested cheese, lol.

anyway, LSDJ + Bass Boost.


Erk ‎‏
i don't like it as much as your old ones...

a little repetitive.
needs more cool scales lol.

what about the awesome keychange?
shameless bump.

c'mon people, I enjoy feedback.
Makes me feel like I'm playing Pok'emon or some early Zelda. :3

Nice job.
loool, thanks. :3

also, another thing, this is the first piece I've done where the majority of it is in a major key.
I noticed that.
lols, this is the last track on my EP, which is done now. I'll release it as soon as Method and I get the art work done.
Is it gonna be all trippy or is it gonna be stereotypical and be all 8bit looking?
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