Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Nippon Ichi Adds Light Novel Character Cameos To Zettai Hero Kaizou Keikaku
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Shana? Index? Taiga? Horo? Fan service to the maximum.


Oh Dokuro is there too but I like Shana and Index better :p
LG, Life's Good
Nyanyaan Wrote:But think of the poor 'absolute' Hero if he happens to have Shana, Taiga, Holo and Dokuro in the team and some little moe girl comes up and gives him a kiss....

He'll get incinerated, beheaded by a spiked bat, torn to shreds and who the hell knows what else those four little demons could come up with.
miku almost made it.
miku almost made it.
miku almost made it
Heartless141 Wrote:miku almost made it.
miku almost made it.
miku almost made it

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