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Full Version: [QUESTION] Compatible Cheap Video Cards
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I have a "M2NC51-AR (HematiteXL)" Motherboard & i want to addin another videocard.  It comes stock with NVIDIA GeForce 6150 LE.

I been browsing google, for cheap video cards & thought maybe you all might know there whereabouts of some.

Problem is I don't even know which ones are compatible.

This is my response from HP
HP REP Wrote:Since it is a slimline PC, so you need to get a low profile graphics card and install it at the PCI Express X16 slot of your PC. Before upgrading the graphics card you need to check the power supply requirement of the graphics and it should match with the PC power supply. As per the product specification this PC is shipped with 160W of the power supply. Please contact the computer store near to your location and tell the requirement that you need low profile graphics card that should support dual display and the power supply requirement should match with power supply of the PC.

So I know where to plugin it in at, & I have one video card already but it don't fit in my slimline case & I am unsure if it will even work, so I want to buy a nice new one. Like 256 MB or something. I never have upgraded my video card before, ...

Any thoughts/ideas?


meh, I suppose I will go to FRY's today & see what they have if no one has any sites they use !!?!??!!QUESTION_mark!!?On3!! ? ? ???

The problem though is that you have a 160watt power supply...which is nothing!!
No, nothing?! That don't sound good for me...

I looked through a few from the listed link you shared, thanks By the way, none mention about power supply,...

Just off the top of your head, is that something upgrade-able ? Or something I am stuck with, when using this MOBO ?

I will check google after this post of course ;) lol...

To be honest, I don't play games on my PC, I just want my second monitor hooked up & displayed properly, & wouldn't mind the DVI/HDMI input for my TV's ;)

But I was looking at this one, http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/...atId=3670, I think I will buy it right away, but I can't find info on the power supply, do you already have me in the compatible section ?  Just double checking before I submit my payment.

I know you know what you are doing, Link me, if you don't mind, to the one you would buy if you had my chocolatety pc. Cost is really irrelevant atm.

thanks again :D
The problem you will face right now is
1) power supply is very low power
2) the card you linked will ahve dvi and svideo out, not vga...when you go to low profile the standard slot cover is removed and a smaller one is put on, which then eliminates the vga port that you see wired to the side of that one.

Wee have alot of low profile dell computers here and they have a proprietary adapter that does 2x vga or 2x dvi plugs from 1 plug that is larger than dvi like this  *note...i wouldn't suggest buying this card...just an example!!*

This would probably be your best price/performer....if you have 2 dvi monitors.
This card has DVI, HDMI, VGA...when you put onthe low profile plate you are left with DVI and HDMI...if you have DVI monitors, one would be a straigth dvi cable, the other would go from an hdmi cable to dvi-hdmi adapter, then into the monitor.

I read somewhere that the Geforce 210 is looking for 18amps of power..do you see an Amp value on the powersupply??
Just so you know, what my exact PC is: [SlimLine s3020n HP Pavilion]

The only thing I have done to it is upgraded the memory to 3GB, from what I understand that is all my 32bit will register, so more memory is useless...

As for the The AMP value, I seem to can't find anything related to it?!?!

Mobo Specs = [M2NC51-AR (HematiteXL)]

& from looking at the MOBO specs, I would have never known it needed a 160 watt compatible video card.  Thanks to HP I know that much Facepalm

Do you have any idea how-to find the amp on mine? I will email HP & have them tell me...
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