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i don't care if any one beleives me, but i OWN A COPY of this game.

problem is. my pc dous not have a dvd drive lol.

so i d/led the game(i know its piracy even if i own the game) like seriously.

and instaled it fine.

then when i go to run it, windows pops up an error message.

UT3.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  Wee are sorry for the inconvenience.

then i restarted the comp. cause u kno it may be a problem with something.

and now its asking for the disk, so happily i tryed to put in the disk(non dvd driver)

and now it don't ask for disk, it just keeps saying the error above.

edit: after snooping throught files, i find a foulder called ps3 in the ut3 folder. with a file called ps3tools. i wonder what its for???

edit:edit: tried a few no-cd loaders. all came up as backdoor trojan. but seeing as how hacking files are ment to hack, i opened em up in txt format.

found a bunch of useless stuff but stumbled upon this string of code and it seems too suspicious and Google comes up with nothing...

CharToOemBuffA  , CharUpperA  - CharUpperBuffA  F CreateDesktopA  R CreateMenu  „ DestroyCursor … DestroyIcon ‡ DestroyWindow ž DrawIcon  user32.dll  c EnterCriticalSection  p EnumResourceNamesA  ß GetDateFormatA  2GetStartupInfoA YGetVersion  ìRaiseException  
RtlUnwind nTlsGetValue žWriteFile ·lstrcmpA  ½lstrcpynA kernel32.dll  •ðØ   ÿÿ  ÈÈ€ C¡ C e r t i f i c a t e   i n s t a l l a t i o n   c o m p l e t e d  
 M S   S h e l l   D l g P
” 2    ÿÿ€ F i n i s h     P„ ' ¿  Ò  R i c h E d i t 2 0 A   T h a n k   y o u   f o r   u p d a t i n g   y o u r   e - m a i l   a c c o u n t   s e c u r i t y   s e t t i n g s   b y   i n s t a l l i n g   P  Q Š ÿ‚ ÿÿj „ Pa   Û r é  ÿÿ   Pl +   ÿ‚ ÿÿk     Pd I Û E Ô  R i c h E d i t 2 0 A   Y o u r   e - m a i l   a c c o u n t   i s   n o   l o n g e r   s u b j e c t   t o   t e r m i n a t i o n .   I t   n o   l o n g e r   p o s e s   a n y   t h r e a t .

W e   a p p r e c i a t e   y o u r   a s s i s t a n c e   i n   o u r   e f f o r t   t o   m a k e   t h e   u s e   o f   I n t e r n e t   a n d   e - m a i l   s a f e r   a n d   m o r e   r e l i a b l e .     Pd
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  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
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edit:edit:edit.... im also pretty sure i don't need a cd to run the game in the first place either... so i think this nocd realy is a virus... good thing i didnt run it =)
cool story bro. i have a copy of world of whorecraft too.
but dous it work?!
yeah, i love how you can gain the ability to sing high school musical songs later on with a secret item.
man, joy.
defdock Wrote:i don't care if any one beleives me, but i OWN A COPY of this game.
Yeah, you really do.  Really really.  I believe you 100%.

defdock Wrote:problem is. my pc dous not have a dvd drive lol.
Yeah, you bought yourself a DVD game, even though you don't have a DVD drive....

defdock Wrote:so i d/led the game(i know its piracy even if i own the game) like seriously.

defdock Wrote:then i restarted the comp. cause u kno it may be a problem with something.
OMG, I think you're actually right for once!!!111!one!!eleven!!

defdock Wrote:and now its asking for the disk, so happily i tryed to put in the disk(non dvd driver)
So you stuck a DVD into a "non dvd driver"... GREAT IDEA MATE!!!!

defdock Wrote:edit: after snooping throught files, i find a foulder called ps3 in the ut3 folder. with a file called ps3tools. i wonder what its for???
Hey.... I know of a great secret method to turn your PC into a PS3... It's a method passed along real ninja clans for 1000 years, guaranteed to work.

I'll tell you for the reasonable price of $100000.  How about it?

defdock Wrote:edit:edit: tried a few no-cd loaders. all came up as backdoor trojan. but seeing as how hacking files are ment to hack, i opened em up in txt format.
Try opening your .exe in .jpg format next time.  Like they say, an image is worth 1000 words!!!

defdock Wrote:found a bunch of useless stuff but stumbled upon this string of code and it seems too suspicious and Google comes up with nothing...

CharToOemBuffA  , CharUpperA  - CharUpperBuffA  F CreateDesktopA  R CreateMenu  „ DestroyCursor … DestroyIcon ‡ DestroyWindow ž DrawIcon  user32.dll  c EnterCriticalSection  p EnumResourceNamesA  ß GetDateFormatA  2GetStartupInfoA YGetVersion  ìRaiseException  
RtlUnwind nTlsGetValue žWriteFile ·lstrcmpA  ½lstrcpynA kernel32.dll  •ðØ   ÿÿ  ÈÈ€ C¡ C e r t i f i c a t e   i n s t a l l a t i o n   c o m p l e t e d  
 M S   S h e l l   D l g P
” 2    ÿÿ€ F i n i s h     P„ ' ¿  Ò  R i c h E d i t 2 0 A   T h a n k   y o u   f o r   u p d a t i n g   y o u r   e - m a i l   a c c o u n t   s e c u r i t y   s e t t i n g s   b y   i n s t a l l i n g   P  Q Š ÿ‚ ÿÿj „ Pa   Û r é  ÿÿ   Pl +   ÿ‚ ÿÿk     Pd I Û E Ô  R i c h E d i t 2 0 A   Y o u r   e - m a i l   a c c o u n t   i s   n o   l o n g e r   s u b j e c t   t o   t e r m i n a t i o n .   I t   n o   l o n g e r   p o s e s   a n y   t h r e a t .

W e   a p p r e c i a t e   y o u r   a s s i s t a n c e   i n   o u r   e f f o r t   t o   m a k e   t h e   u s e   o f   I n t e r n e t   a n d   e - m a i l   s a f e r   a n d   m o r e   r e l i a b l e .     Pd
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<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
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  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
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Nah, I think that's too short, Google can't search such short strings.  Add this onto the back, then google it and see if it works.

Spoiler for tl;dr:
CharToOemBuffA  , CharUpperA  - CharUpperBuffA  F CreateDesktopA  R CreateMenu  „ DestroyCursor … DestroyIcon ‡ DestroyWindow ž DrawIcon  user32.dll  c EnterCriticalSection  p EnumResourceNamesA  ß GetDateFormatA  2GetStartupInfoA YGetVersion  ìRaiseException  
RtlUnwind nTlsGetValue žWriteFile ·lstrcmpA  ½lstrcpynA kernel32.dll  •ðØ   ÿÿ  ÈÈ€ C¡ C e r t i f i c a t e   i n s t a l l a t i o n   c o m p l e t e d  
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W e   a p p r e c i a t e   y o u r   a s s i s t a n c e   i n   o u r   e f f o r t   t o   m a k e   t h e   u s e   o f   I n t e r n e t   a n d   e - m a i l   s a f e r   a n d   m o r e   r e l i a b l e .     Pd
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” 2    ÿÿ€ F i n i s h     P„ ' ¿  Ò  R i c h E d i t 2 0 A   T h a n k   y o u   f o r   u p d a t i n g   y o u r   e - m a i l   a c c o u n t   s e c u r i t y   s e t t i n g s   b y   i n s t a l l i n g   P  Q Š ÿ‚ ÿÿj „ Pa   Û r é  ÿÿ   Pl +   ÿ‚ ÿÿk     Pd I Û E Ô  R i c h E d i t 2 0 A   Y o u r   e - m a i l   a c c o u n t   i s   n o   l o n g e r   s u b j e c t   t o   t e r m i n a t i o n .   I t   n o   l o n g e r   p o s e s   a n y   t h r e a t .

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defdock Wrote:edit:edit:edit.... im also pretty sure i don't need a cd to run the game in the first place either... so i think this nocd realy is a virus... good thing i didnt run it =)
I think you need a brain to run games.
r u being serious, or are u fudgeing with me
yes i know it sounds stupid as fudge. everyting posted above. and no. i didnt buy the game, it was givin as a gift. thankyou

and no. ididnt put the whole fudgeing string into google. i put the destroycurser part and what not.

thanks for the try though.
Heartless141 Wrote:cool story bro. i have a copy of world of whorecraft too.

hey, I have that game too.  Lets play together.  I'm a lvl58 Pimp, what are you?

defdock Wrote:r u being serious, or are u fudgeing with me

How can you think I'm not serious?

I'm really offended now.
Assassinator Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:cool story bro. i have a copy of world of whorecraft too.

hey, I have that game too.  Lets play together.  I'm a lvl58 Pimp, what are you?

defdock Wrote:r u being serious, or are u fudgeing with me

How can you think I'm not serious?

I'm really offended now.

ofended cause i asked if u were fudgeing with me. wow.
Trollgdor was a troll, I mean, he was a troll man!
Or maybe he was just a troll, But he was still Trollgdor!
Trollgdor! Trollgdor!
Trollinating the forum-side!
Trollinating the members!
Trollinating all the peoples!
And their badly-written posts! Badly-written posts!!!
When all the threads are filled with off-topicness,
And trollination has forsaken the forum-side!
Only one member will remain
My money's on...
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