Endless Paradigm

Full Version: unreal tournament 3.
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feinicks Wrote:[Image: Dance.gif]

I do not know how to respond to this but I do want a free post count.
roberth Wrote:
defdock Wrote:
roberth Wrote:just throwing this out, if the game REALLY is real, you can register your key on Steam free

Otherwise, please continue

register it where? cause i do infact have it.

if u want proof, i will. as soon as i get ahold of a camera

just load up steam, create an an account on steam if you don't have one, and theres a button to register a CD key on steam, activate a game on Steam or some such name. they allowed it to work because i forget why, but they did add UT3 to the redeemable games list

thanks alot. like seriously. u saved my donkey. this works fudgeing perfect.
Hmm, I think I'll lock this thread now.
Sparker Wrote:Hmm, I think I'll lock this thread now.

mmmmm in after the lock :P
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