Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE]Resident Evil 3
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so i have been working on this theme for a long time its also my first one so it may not be to 'professional' or advanced as the newer animated themes but I'm proud to finally release it instead of just quitting the project

preview images

Spoiler for preview:
[Image: RE3PREVIEW.png]
download for UPDATED 5.00 version (28MB download *when extracted* comes with 5.00 version ctf has separate set ups for each gameboot and wave combination extract the ctf for flash0)  

download for 5.03 version (28MB download *when extracted* comes with 5.03 version ctf has separate set ups for each gameboot and wave combination)

all downloads come with option of short (2.1 sec) or long (13 sec) gameboots with matching rcos

has different image for each month and a custom slideshow

hope you enjoy it and tell me what you think of it and what could be done to make it better (also any bugs you may find)

please note that i have not been able to test this yet so let me know if its ok or if some things don't work

RE3 theme for 5.50(24MB download *when extracted* comes with four ctfs same as the others extract for flash0)

thanks for reading and trying my theme


highboy for: all of his great apps

nothingface for: alot of help,trouble shooting,visualizer, and second wave

ZiNgA BuRgA for: rco edit

vegetano1 for: base of theme

WoobiE for: OSK (didn't know one like it was already made sorry)
cool Madwin

glad to see you didnt let your project die
nice job \(^o\) (/o^)/
Can I get my name into the credits? That's my OSK.
thanks for the comments

WoobiE Wrote:Can I get my name into the credits? That's my OSK.

didn't know you had made one like it i actually found the image from google and added it to the OFW osk (also had trouble with adding it cause it needed to be compressed to work)

would have saved me some trouble if i knew one like it was already made

will add you to credits
Thanks matey.
I Need Psp v5.5 Themes
Aakash98 Wrote:I Need Psp v5.5 Themes

im working on making a 5.50 GEN version

i have to rebuild it from the start because the conversion wouldn't work for it

i will add it when its ready and sorry for the wait
ok so i finally got the ctfs remade and a test version for 5.50 i have them uploaded and posted on the first post

the 5.50 version may have some things not working not sure though haven't tested it so let me know if its good to go or not

oh and i added a new boot logo that looks alot better

thanks for reading and trying

sorry for the VERY long wait

hope the 5.50 versions work
Thanks for the update   Madwin
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