Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 5.50 GEN D3 how to mod ??
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Ok....i loved my CF 5.00.....
But now i have my 5.50 GEN D3..

I started the theme dedicated to "Beauty Queen Etna (Disgaea)"...But i have a lot of problem >___<...

1)The sound of Cooldboot I havent a way of changing it for the 5.50.....so i use the opening plugin.prx & rco of 5.00.....They WORK O_O...boh..I also tried to use the image of the opening made for 5.00 for the 5.50 on that ...Bum...destroyed -.- here a screen >_>

[Image: openings.jpg]

2)Even when i change only a picture in the Visualizer plugin.rco....When i start a song is ALL black -.-....ah ok...i mod also the vshmain.prx...now crash when i start a song ^^ Looks Great this theme eh ^^..

3)If i want to mod..the vsh...or paf..What should i do??....scramble with the 5.00's files?..i try to use the bookmarks of this link BookM. with the decripted vshmain.prx (of 5.50)...this is the result..

[Image: 97001743.jpg]

..doesn't match anything....I'm getting stupid Sadist

....i just made..the battery...the busy icon..the opening sound and image and the Wave for 5.50..(with the 5.00's file >_>)...and the gameboot X_X... = Nothing or  10% of a theme -.-..

[Image: screenshot002vz.png]

[Image: screenshot004z.png]

Gameboot (Maybe the only good thing -.-) :
[Image: screenshot005w.png]
I have a CF 5.50 Mix with the 5.00 XD (i think there isn't normal XD)
Anyone can give me a big help so..link and suggestions?
....and decripted rco/prx for 5.50?? (By Private message)

Sorry for the bad english...and for this stupid thread.. >-<
Thanks in advanced 4 the answers
I can't help , but i noticed the same problem , on another RCO with 500 version.
Maybe Zinga can tell us something , in the page data after i edit it and close
then open , the stretch values resets to 0 ..... wierd enough.


I atached the icon i used to add in the RcoEditor.
Plus the RCO file.
gsmoke Wrote:I can't help , but i noticed the same problem , on another RCO with 500 version.
Maybe Zinga can tell us something , in the page data after i edit it and close
then open , the stretch values resets to 0 ..... wierd enough.

I atached the icon i used to add in the RcoEditor.
Plus the RCO file.

For the problem of the stretch...try to use the old rco edit...1.12
Visualized in 550 can't be changes for some reason that I can't figure out :(

aaa fir stretch that us very wierd but could be because the image size in pagedata doesn't match the size if injected image?
SchmilK Wrote:Visualized in 550 can't be changes for some reason that I can't figure out :(

aaa fir stretch that us very wierd but could be because the image size in pagedata doesn't match the size if injected image?

ah ok....but for mod the vsh or paf .prx...what should i do? o.O"....doesn't match anything....
I need the ".bin" files of 5.50? O_O..
I still waiting answers.....
Cmon...You do a lot of Themes and no one can explain how to make one? ç_ç
ok you can close this thread....
It means that I will put the CF 5.00..and work the theme for it(5.00) and converts it to 5.50 because there aren't answers...(sorry 4 the english...)
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