Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Guide to RCOmage and Animation-Updated(V1.1)
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[Image: 11ln392.png]

Hi everybody. I know that Gsmoke has posted a small guide on animations.
I how ever have taken the time to create an actual guide to using RCOmage and understanding
the XML language of the RCO file to the fullest of my knowledge.
Hopefully it will help clear up some of those dark clouds about animations in RCO files.
This PDF features bookmarks and links, so be sure to use it to your advantage to make
things quicker when searching.

UPDATE: Just gave the guide a small update thanks to Zinga Burga.
Awesome !!!     Madwin

rcomage has mind boggling capabilities.  But at the same time is very confusing for the beginner.   This is a great contribution man   :D     Even better than a theme release IMO, because, you know the old adage:  give a man a fish, and feed him for a night.   Teach him to fish, and feed him for life   ;)

+rep   Yay
Thanks for posting man.    Madwin
Wow, that's a nice professional looking guide there!

By the way, if you're wondering what delay exactly does, I'll try to explain here.
Basically, the PSP executes all the commands concurrently until it hits a delay command.
Here's a diagram which hopefully explains how it works:
[Image: 2s6vujo.png]

Thanks again for all the effort you've put into all of this! :)
thank you so much.let me take a look.
I'm going to read this and hopefully it will help me understand themeing better. I've been trying to get into the scene but I've been having a tough time.
Oh I see. I'll get that delay section updated by tomorrow. Kinda late now over here in Aus.
Great guide!! Frontpaged ;) Ahaa

There still some tricks left to explain,. like in Little Busters theme where they made a vertical volumebar Madwin
That's great! Thanks. Maybe I'll try to theme again soon.
Sweet guide!  Seems lately only the chinese and japanese theme makers are utilizing rcomage :(

Maybe this will help the rest of the world :)
i want to theme, so this may be what does it for me

^_^ thank you
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