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Assassinator Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:FUCKING CENSORSHIP: - 40.


Watch the trailer to see what's really there...   Warning: It's really wtf.

If you really want to see...

Spoiler for NSFW:
[Image: QwaserUncen1.jpg]
[Image: QwaserUncen2.jpg]
[Image: QwaserUncen3.jpg]
[Image: QwaserUncen4.jpg]

Sparker Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:
Heartless141 Wrote:FUCKING CENSORSHIP: - 40.


Watch the trailer to see what's really there...   Warning: It's really wtf.

If you really want to see...

Spoiler for NSFW:
[Image: QwaserUncen1.jpg]
[Image: QwaserUncen2.jpg]
[Image: QwaserUncen3.jpg]
[Image: QwaserUncen4.jpg]


I'm not going to be watching this with my sister. No. I don't think so.
No, it's completely censored (which was why Heartless was bitching)... She won't see anything.
i said i saw it lol :P but yeah, seems like there's people didn't.

and sensei, the real boardcast censored out all those stuffs by turning the camera to a totally unrelated angle.
@Sensei: How old is you sister?
I'd rather see it the way the creators wanted us to see it.... if an uncen ever gets TV broadcast.

Assassinator Wrote:@Sensei: How old is you sister?

just turned 16.

She watched Elfen Lied with me but she has a knack about dropping anything she finds distasteful. Too Childish... Obvious Pantsu... for example. I think she'd put this in the "pointless/unnecessary" section.

Wee just started (re)watching Kanon.
well she would be accurate 3/4 of the times these days.
KnT 14 is quite good. :P pin strikes again!
goddamn hearts breaker xD
Heartless141 Wrote:well she would be accurate 3/4 of the times these days.

I know you'd say that. ¬_¬
Durarara ep 2 was epicly awesome. :P
it basically explained half of what happened in ep 1.
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