Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How Many Pigs?
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How many pigs ya got? Pics or it's a lie.

[Image: 2e650td.png]
I need not post pics. I am already enlightened.
I have over 9000!!

I wish, well I don't really care so I don't really wish that. I have actually around 600 btw
i amma not sure but i think my EP-pigs freezed,.. and i can't deposite to the bank,. >!?> double you tee eff!!

The economy is screwed though. Those that have the most will always have the most due to the interest
Why does everyone have ZiNgA change their pigs.... Sadcorner
wee don't, its from interest...it used to be like 2%, so they just blew up hugely once you got about 1000
Yea i was wondering about that .1~///
So when I get 1,00o my interest goes up? Dotdotdot
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