Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Steam Issue
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I'm trying to get Steam set up on a desktop but every time I try to launch it, it starts the update process, tries three times (gets to 27%), and then gives me the "Steam is temporarily unavailable, please try again". I'm logged in right now on my laptop so I don't get what's wrong.

I found a few posts on forums (even one by Sky) that say to delete some Registry keys. I did that and nothing happened...
If it's working on your laptop why don't you just copy and paste that steam client over to your PC?

I have no real solution to your problem D:!!
Backup your appdata folder, and then run a repair install

Or try deleting the clientregistry.blob, which should force another update, which might help it work
Did both....Didn't work. The updating part is the issue. It won't do it.
Starfox444 Wrote:If it's working on your laptop why don't you just copy and paste that steam client over to your PC?

I have no real solution to your problem D:!!

[Image: facepalm.jpg]
I have never installed steam on my PC and it runs fine off my external hard drive.
So that's where that logic came from
Mebay yer IP is eXx1l3d?
Give me a few details:

You want to have Steam on your desktop and thus ran the installer and did a fresh install, right?
You have nothing copied over from your laptop regarding Steam?
Has your desktop some AntiVirus programs/firewalls?
SkyDX Wrote:Give me a few details:

You want to have Steam on your desktop and thus ran the installer and did a fresh install, right?
You have nothing copied over from your laptop regarding Steam?
Has your desktop some AntiVirus programs/firewalls?

1: Yes
2: Nope, nothing.
3: Yes (ESET Smart Security). I added an exception to the firewall though.

@ Methid:

[Image: facepalm.jpg]

Does that make any sense if my laptop is connected?
Joomla12 Wrote:
Starfox444 Wrote:If it's working on your laptop why don't you just copy and paste that steam client over to your PC?

I have no real solution to your problem D:!!

[Image: facepalm.jpg]

How about wee remove that facepalm and try it

That's exactly how i got it working on my lappy
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