Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Xmas e-Pigs
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Recently, I came into a respectable sum of e-Pigs. After buying a storm and a rainbow PSP, I have decided to give most of what is left away.
So: First ten new posters in this thread get 10 e-Pigs! (Not counting me, obviously)

Spoiler for How I'll work:
This is just an example, the people mentioned may not actually wind up getting e-Pigs.

Silvertie (OP) «- I don't get my own e-Pigs, that would be silly
Prima «- Gets 10 epigs
Secundus «- Gets 10 e-Pigs
Prima «- Gets nothing, not a new poster
Spartacus «- 10 'pigs
Damocles «- 10 'pigs
Mr. RAEG «- 10'pigs
Solid Snake «- 10 'pigs
Damocles «- Again, nothing, second poster
Tigerfan «- Nothing saying Tiger can't reclaim some of the donation, gets 10 e-Pigs
Jimbo  «- 10 'pigs
Johnny «- 10 'pigs
Kaos «- 10 'pigs
Slowpoke «- Gets nothing, was too slow.

e-Pigs will be awarded for a post, regardless of purpose. Even if Zinga came in and said "Silvertie, what are you doing you'll collapse my e-Pig economy" he would get 10 e-Pigs if he was one of the first 10.

Why are you still reading? Others are probably posting as you read, stealin' your e-Pigs!
give me rawr!
Silvertie, what are you doing you'll collapse my e-Pig economy
Silvertie, what are you doing you'll collapse Sparker's e-Pig economy
I'll give you more e-pigs.

I don't need it but I'll take it. < my philosophy on everything.
lol, I win.

./xitherun.sh Wrote:lol, I win.


I gave Silvertie moar than 10E-pigs.
Blast! What is this? I don't know what to do with 100 e-Pigs!
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