Endless Paradigm

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endlessparadigm.com Estimated Worth $24024.3 USD

i know this has been posted before,. can't find it,. but hey EP is big $$$$$ worth!! not sure whot this means though Hihi


i miss muppet modding,. !>!? is MM down?
wow yea i remember tradmemark91 posting a thread like this, dam ep is worth a lot AND IM A PART OF IT WOOT!
These estimates are all way off.
Assassinator Wrote:These estimates are all way off.

why is it worth more?
what is it then?
What does the worth of the site mean anyway?
its actually $25367.50, i pressed the update button and it reassessed it.

endlessparadigm.com gets more traffic and revenue than acidmods.com, which has a supposed value of $17140.40.
Chaos Panda Wrote:What does the worth of the site mean anyway?
I think it refers to the supposed sell price or something.  I'm guessing it's based on page rank and daily ad revenue.

I doubt I'd get anywhere near as much if I actually tried to sell this site.
It'd be nice to even get a reasonable fraction of that stated daily ad revenue, despite that real traffic figures are actually several times higher than what they write there.
But the majority of the traffic probably comes from people who are either regulars who either don't see, or ignore the ads, and people with Adblock who don't see the ad's, i'd imagine
roberth Wrote:But the majority of the traffic probably comes from people who are either regulars who either don't see, or ignore the ads, and people with Adblock who don't see the ad's, i'd imagine

Yeah, that.

The traffic base (besides for the regulars) consists of mostly people looking for PSP homebrew or themes, and I would imagine most of said people would be at least semi computer literate, and would know better than to click random ads.  Need a site full of retards (facebook?) to get a very high click rate.
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