Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New SOTW Christmas Wallpaper Contest
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Ok, this is the special Christmas Wallpaper Contest of the New SOTW Holiday Extravaganza.  All rules from the normal New SOTW contest apply, except that the max sizes are:

1920x1440 pixels for fullscreen wallpapers
1920x1200 pixels for widescreen wallpapers

Now get busy!
Oh! How about 1920X1080

That is Full HD, after all..
feinicks Wrote:Oh! How about 1920X1080

That is Full HD, after all..

I only gave the MAXIMUM sizes, you can always do something smaller than that :)
This is cool. :>
wonder how many entries wee'll see >_>
Senseito7 Wrote:wonder how many entries wee'll see >_>

Dunno... Large images are already walls...

Time to take out the vectoring machine again -.-
im in
don't expect much though.
I hates christmas themes so much.
Starfox444 Wrote:I hates christmas themes so much.

Starfox444 Wrote:I hates christmas themes so much.

dude its only once a year. so get over it.
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