Endless Paradigm

Full Version: /me has bought a new pair of speakers...
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Yep. A pair of Wharfedale Diamond 9.0's as pictured below.

[Image: diamond90lrg.jpg]

Not in that colour though. I got mine in Cherry wood finish.

£49 plus £9 postage on eBay. Brand new and sealed. Everything works perfectly.

I haven't quite come up yet with a proper opinion on how they sound. I did have a pair of ancient Wharfedale CRS 3's on my desk (basically a cheaper version of the Diamond 3's) that were dying. They had a lot more mid-low than these and just sounded generally bigger. These new speakers, as well as being much smaller, sound smaller but not as much as I expected. The low end is certainly impressive for the size.

Plus they look a whole lot better than my old speakers. I approve!
Looks nice.

Don't have much desk space here unfortunately.
yeah thoes are cool. ive got 3 pairs of logitech z-5500's on my pc lol. 15 speakers 3 subs. hey zinga you know anythin about ms batch files or the 5 kernel? i need to get 3.1 write access as it flows smooth. build the install cds into the A drive for all the drivers allready. got a bootloader for dosbox. just need to get it write access then its fully functional. posted a  few days ago but didnt get much. and i see alot of the programs are made by or developed in some way by you. figured i would ask :P
A bit off-topic, but many modern motherboard chipsets won't support older versions of Windows.  Can only run them through a VM.
dosbox works. just need write access somehow and that's the whole mystery solved lol
I got creative 5.1 system that I spent a game's money on and am not that happy... oh well..
nice speakers!!!
My speakers in my room:
[Image: Creative-T7700-main.jpg]
and this:
[Image: 4225mp3.jpg]
with these:
[Image: 67-5003978A68UC426357M.jpg]
And then this on my tv:
[Image: SilverCrest-2-1-Speaker-System__20652131_0.jpg]

Dunno why I posted all that... guess I am bored :S
The likle X-mini portable speakers suffice for me, great sound out of something pocket sized and only £13.98 from amazon :D old though cause they releasing X-mini II 2nd gen
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