Anyway..My D2 (full) works very fine at this moment..
..i don't need update now
Thanks V1 , im not using Gen but just in case.
damnit i miss m33... i miss the ability to run 1.5 eboots half of my spoon was that i never should of upgraded...
deathmock5 Wrote:damnit i miss m33... i miss the ability to run 1.5 eboots half of my spoon was that i never should of upgraded...
Well then downgrade. >_>
why is it a full install and not just a minor update?
There's a new update of 5.50 GEN-D3 out. The first release was a beta that caused all of these problems. The new updated version should work fine.
demonchild Wrote:There's a new update of 5.50 GEN-D3 out. The first release was a beta that caused all of these problems. The new updated version should work fine.
updating topic! thanks for headsups
if i can download from pspgen,..... sigh,..
They said that you won't be able to see you ISO/CSO on that new version.
patrck_744 Wrote:They said that you won't be able to see you ISO/CSO on that new version.
i also read that they had a long day checking faulty complaints,.. people who did't install correctly,..
anyway,. i can see my cso/iso's backups fine on both my phat and slim
so i tested on both phat and slim and both show correct information in system screen and on both all back-ups show fine,. ;)