Endless Paradigm

Full Version: what did you do when EP was down?
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Saw it was down, talked on the EP IRC a bit, watched the Video Game Awards 2009, slept.

And  now its back ^_^

I've had much worse downtime situations with EP ^^;
Method Wrote:I cried. Then Slept.

i did the crying part then went and hung out with friends.
I was asleep. . . .
ProperBritish Wrote:i was asleep
lucky most of you slept through it so you didnt have the dissapointment of not being able to get on.
I watched Beauty and the Geek Australia edition while having thoughts of everyone here :P
Was unnaturally busy with work... so had little time..
Work then went out and drank

I completely missed it i think :S
work then sPa/\/\ other forums, lol
I kept refreshing until it came back, it didnt so I went to sleep & now EP is back :D
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