Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New fake.. ;)
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Well whatever it was, must have been removed or something.  Because I tried to follow the link and got some error.  (I can't read Polish)

I wonder if SONY sent their lawyers after them?  The thing does look just like a PSP Go!
yep.Somone of administrator remove that link..
But i found new-similar link of that guy:

..and here is the link(new) from first page:
if it could run emus at a decent speed, id actually consider buying it. 8 gigs is enough for a coupld of movies, some games(hopefully i could finally be able to play some good speed smash bros and conker on the go) and my music. and what's 75 euros in US currency? call me a shmuck, but maybe....if i had the cash, which i don't, which makes it another toy ill have to not have TT_TT
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