Lunar Wrote:Never use it anymore. >_>
poo poo now i do. :[
you've fallen into the TRAP
you see that little thing in my sig that says "Gallery"?
that's my dA account, but I'm sure most of you knew that already :P
shame dA doesn't how more off (by usual means)
IMO the front page should be latest stuff...
meh./. you won't see me on there anyway
Senseito7 Wrote:shame dA doesn't how more off (by usual means)
IMO the front page should be latest stuff...
meh./. you won't see me on there anyway
In actuality, the downside of dA is its popularity and the volumes of submitted artwork. I've seen realy awesome piece of art get lost somewhere cause it was by someone new or simply misfortune of not being seen due to submission on a really busy day.