If you guys aren't finished by the cut off, wee can extend it.
Joomla12 Wrote:If you guys aren't finished by the cut off, wee can extend it.
I think that would be delicious.
I leave for NZ on Saturday, so I could work on it on the plane. (14 hours. D: )
but don't extend it just yet, because I might be able to get net by then. (Wee arrive in NZ on Monday)
Hmm...Sounds like loads of fun.
Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out)
[It's quite long....5:17...but about thirty seconds of nothing at the end for some reason ]
alright guys, I'm not quite done with mine yet, so I'm just gonna do it in Ableton. I can have it sometime today, or tomorrow. But I'll definitely have my original on time, cause I've got like two minutes of one done now, in LSDJ.
Speeeeeak of the devil :)
Here's mine, lol:
Just in time...I'll open the voting thread when I get home.
oh yeah, I forgot it's still Tuesday there, lol.
It's Wednesday right now, lol.