Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
There seems to be an ad that makes idm download files non-stop, the address comes from http://dar.youknowbest.com/Resources/xxxxxxxx

I've gotten this 4 times now, I've had to end the process and even then it was difficult because idm kept popping up, eventually i got so many it froze -_- so for now I've blacklisted the address, is this just me?

This is one that i dl'ed: http://dar.youknowbest.com/?cid=119&agid...rectURL%3D
Heard of AdBlock Plus?
feinicks Wrote:Heard of AdBlock Plus?

I have it but i disable it for EP to help with ad money
Use adblockplus?  Or are you already doing that... someone posted first.

IDM download files nonstop?  I'd never use a download manager that auto-downloads stuff without asking (I won't use it if it asks either, I prefer my download manager to stay dormant until needed).

Either disable the add-on or configure your manager properly.
Assassinator Wrote:IDM download files nonstop?

I don't think it does that on its own. Everytime something downloadable comes, a dialogue box asking for confirmation pops up. At least if the settings are adjusted (though it more of a default setting) as such. So Mickey's is a weird read.
Weird I had that as well.
Fortunately i installed ad block plus to stop that spoon. :]
Well it asks before it downloads, but the prompts keep popping up and popping up and popping up. . .after that i threw the laptop -_-
you can set it so adblockplus only disable on specific sites.

as for the inf. downloads. what extension is it? delete that extension from the auto download list in option. tab 2
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