Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anybody played Zen Pinball for ps3?
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Thinking of buying it. The game looks great. Just wondered if anybody has any say on the actual gameplay.
[offtopic] Yo waldog! Havent seen you around EP in ages man! whereve you been D: [/offtopic]
Senseito7 Wrote:[offtopic] Yo waldog! Havent seen you around EP in ages man! whereve you been D: [/offtopic]

I was just hanging out.  I decided I'd come back here to spend the rest of my days. Smokingg
waldog Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:[offtopic] Yo waldog! Havent seen you around EP in ages man! whereve you been D: [/offtopic]

I was just hanging out.  I decided I'd come back here to spend the rest of my days. Smokingg

oic well welcome back.......

I plan on getting a PS3 for xmas so Im guessing Zen Pinball is a PSN game?
Senseito7 Wrote:
waldog Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:[offtopic] Yo waldog! Havent seen you around EP in ages man! whereve you been D: [/offtopic]

I was just hanging out.  I decided I'd come back here to spend the rest of my days. Smokingg

oic well welcome back.......

I plan on getting a PS3 for xmas so Im guessing Zen Pinball is a PSN game?

Thanks. Yea it's a psn title. Has 4 tables but 1 is a dlc (street fighter). Like $13 total with street fighter.
I have it. its not a bad game. i like it anyhow.
not me, it lasted 4 minutes =/
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