Heartless141 Wrote:@fein. i seriously doubt your IQ level. recently... nevermind I'm not gonna start nor continue this...
Don't remind me of the Otaku moments you've been through... The have my me ROFL...
Good memories....
man, you need to grow up sometimes. so what if i am an otaku? i don't have waifu, i don't type fail romanjis, i don't have crazy dyed hair, i don't bla bla bla bla bla
Heartless141 Wrote:man, you need to grow up sometimes. so what if i am an otaku? i don't have waifu, i don't type fail romanjis, i don't have crazy dyed hair, i don't bla bla bla bla bla
lol... when did I say its bad? I nor anyone here, has any problems with otaku.... And you're not 100% there yet! Well... you're really sensitive... but that's besides the point.
Doesn't Hearty make us smile?
* Kana facepalms.
* Kana proceed with ignorant.
gonna work on the sig once i have my 7 installed -.-
Hey guys, I though wee're supposed to be voting based on the
ARTISTIC QUALITIES of a sig, not whether is has anime in it or not. So
theoretically, it shouldn't matter at all if it has anime in it or not.
If you vote a sig simply and solely because it has anime in it, do feel ashamed of yourself.
And if everyone's scared that a sig will win just because it has vocaloid in it, that just shows the current sate of this competition is a load of fail.
Heartless141 Wrote:i don't have waifu