Endless Paradigm

Full Version: In-Game Custom Music Compatible PS3 Games
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Found this thread on the SONY forums:

Just thought I would post it here at EP, since this list is really useful.   Madwin

Quote:Among the many features included in the July (08) released firmware 2.40 in-game music was one of them. However, there have been very few games to take advantage of this feature as (from what I've heard) it requires a lot of memory and has to be taken into account in the early development stages. Anyway, there are a few that have been able to squeeze it in. Here's a very incomplete list but hopefully you can contribute with what you know.

Blu-Ray Releases:
Burnout Paradise
Dragonball Raging Blast
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Godfather 2
Killzone 2 (multiplayer only)
LittleBigPlanet (during pod and creating levels only, used via game's menu)
Midnight Club: Los Angeles (offline only)
MLB 08: The Show (through menu)
MLB 09: The Show (through menu as well?)
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
Motorstorm Pacific Rift (offline only)
NBA 09: The Inside
NCAA Football 09 (only at certain times, touchdown ie)
Resistance 2 (offline only)
Rock Band 2
Sacred 2
Shaun White Snowboarding
Skate 2 (possibly offline only)
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (mutes SFX sounds)
Sonic Unleashed
Street Figther IV
Tekken 6 (offline only)
Warhawk (patched)

PSN Releases:
Battle Tanks
Burnout Paradise
Crash Commando (lobby and main menu only)
Crystal Defenders
High Velocity Bowling
Magic Ball
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Noby Noby Boy
PixelJunk Eden (unlockable)
PixelJunk Monsters (patched)
Savage Moon
Super Stardust HD
Wipeout HD (via menu, need to make a playlsit)
Warhawk (patched)
ZEN Pinball
that's cool, in game music with games finally, even if its only a selected few.
And some games get around this, like MGS4; it comes with an integral iPod, for pete's sake.
It's actually an item you can equip to shut up the game's default soundtrack, and play other MGS game soundtracks.
Cool, thanks for the list.
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