07/12/2009, 01:05 AM
Found this thread on the SONY forums:
Just thought I would post it here at EP, since this list is really useful.
Just thought I would post it here at EP, since this list is really useful.
Quote:Among the many features included in the July (08) released firmware 2.40 in-game music was one of them. However, there have been very few games to take advantage of this feature as (from what I've heard) it requires a lot of memory and has to be taken into account in the early development stages. Anyway, there are a few that have been able to squeeze it in. Here's a very incomplete list but hopefully you can contribute with what you know.
Blu-Ray Releases:
Burnout Paradise
Dragonball Raging Blast
Ghostbusters: The Video Game
Godfather 2
Killzone 2 (multiplayer only)
LittleBigPlanet (during pod and creating levels only, used via game's menu)
Midnight Club: Los Angeles (offline only)
MLB 08: The Show (through menu)
MLB 09: The Show (through menu as well?)
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
Motorstorm Pacific Rift (offline only)
NBA 09: The Inside
NCAA Football 09 (only at certain times, touchdown ie)
Resistance 2 (offline only)
Rock Band 2
Sacred 2
Shaun White Snowboarding
Skate 2 (possibly offline only)
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (mutes SFX sounds)
Sonic Unleashed
Street Figther IV
Tekken 6 (offline only)
Warhawk (patched)
PSN Releases:
Battle Tanks
Burnout Paradise
Crash Commando (lobby and main menu only)
Crystal Defenders
High Velocity Bowling
Magic Ball
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Noby Noby Boy
PixelJunk Eden (unlockable)
PixelJunk Monsters (patched)
Savage Moon
Super Stardust HD
Wipeout HD (via menu, need to make a playlsit)
Warhawk (patched)
ZEN Pinball