Endless Paradigm

Full Version: OVER 6000!!!
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Bout 53 posts over........
Someone must'ave moved an old thread or sumink cause I was 100 posts less yesterday....

I still remember first visiting this site.....(sheds a tear over the memories)
lol, I had about 1800 before the mysterious post moving.
Haha :P
* Sparker says that Mehhaker is now in 7th place in the number of posts the general user can see.
That sucks balls. I was 5th 6th? before >:S gonna have to have a sPa/\/\ JAM!!!
Congrats on 6k
..and I now have over 2k :]
I just hit over 100
* Sparker will get a power level of over 9000 soon
* Sparker invested yesterday, Sparker doesn't really care about e-pigs though.
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