idk... umm that's a tough one...
only two i know is as mentioned Gackt and Hyde... 6 looks a little like kumi koda
Hellgiver Wrote:Eh, a holes a hole. mirite?
Well when you put it that way...
read it carefully
"only one is female"
(usually the answer that looks so obvious that it's not the right answer, is the right answer)
LumpiaWarrior Wrote:I want to know!!
It is number four.
LumpiaWarrior Wrote:Are you sure?
She's from some all female band. *forgets the name*
Ok, was stuck between 4 and 11.
Ignore the caption, they're all female, duh.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Ignore the caption, they're all female, duh.
6 and 13 definitely have the apple of adam in their throat!