Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Harmful to bees. Do not spray near bees.
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Okay so I used some bug spray to kill a spider that was out of my reach from squashing to death. I prefer squashing to death as opposed to spraying because the spray smells awful and (it's ecology environmental unfriendly Hahaha)
The on the safety instructions of the spray it says "Harmful to bees. Do not spray near bees."
I was like WTF, although I can think of a few reasons why not to harm bees. All my reasons are connected to producing honey and pollinating flowers.

Random thing I wanted to share.
pics or it never happened
/seriously doesn't have a camera but will try to get pics.
Bees are the spoon! T_T
when i was workign at the bike and ski shop wee enjoyed traping wasps and hornets with spray epoxy (aka glue that came in a spray paint can to glue skis back together..oooh man that was fun!)
[Image: 76361764.jpg]
[Image: bij.PNG]
i always enjoy blowing smoke on spiders. they go crazy.

then on occasion, ill go all constantine on them and put them in a smokey glass...
This thread is sadistic. Why can't people just let insects and arachnids alike get on with their lives?

Trapping wasps and hornets in spray epoxy does sound fun though...
PSPkiller Wrote:This thread is sadistic. Why can't people just let insects and arachnids alike get on with their lives?

Trespassing in my territory.
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