Endless Paradigm

Full Version: LOL nerd rage
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I did the exact same thing to my sister's cat. >_>
Lunar Wrote:I did the exact same thing to my sister's cat. >_>

If I like cats!!!!!!
Wait, was it a hairless cat?  Those things freak me out.
aspheric Wrote:
Lunar Wrote:I did the exact same thing to my sister's cat. >_>

If I like cats!!!!!!
Wait, was it a hairless cat?  Those things freak me out.

It was a very lovely cat that needed some pwnage. Hahaha
How hard did your sister pwnage you afterwards?
Assassinator Wrote:How hard did your sister pwnage you afterwards?

Let's just say it involved a foot. Puke
Lunar Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:How hard did your sister pwnage you afterwards?

Let's just say it involved a foot. Puke

^lol made my day
* feinicks wipes tears of laughter and pain as his jaw starts hurting because of laughing...
This was disturbing, i mean...who punches a wall

I've seen a guy do that over his girlfriend, but not over a game >_>
Okay, now actually watched this video. It seems so stupid to be true. How can anyone be so idiotic. I found it funny but sad at the same time, I'm also thinking hes one of those sadists who will do anything for attention.
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