I have a file I want to delete (the twilight series- new moon (yeah I should be ashamed)) but I can't delete it, move it or open it. It is inside a folder and whenever I open the folder windows explorer shuts down, the one time I watched the film I clicked it just before it shut down. If I try to move or delete it or the folder windows explorer closes so I cannot do anything with it. Is there a way I can delete this whole folder as it is really annoying me.
can you do it through command prompt? I'm sure there is a command somewhere to remove files/folders, lets wait for more people to arrive lol
navigate to the folder in command prompt and type del <filename>
If that fails, consider using unlocker, and just delete it using that. if it fails it will be able to delete it on next boot up
Honestly though, its your punishment for downloading New Moon
It's like visiting a brothel and coming out with STDs.
Only it's more like coming out, and realizing that a ho is superglued to your shlong.
And instead of a brothel, it's New Moon, and the ho is new moon also.
Command Prompt says that it cannot find the file so Ima try unlocker now...
does it actually exist? diskchk and defrag and see if it's still there
Woooooooo Unlocker worked... Thanks roberth! :D