Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Need some help with some mathsy stuff...
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OK I need some help re-arranging a formula.

This is it:

[Image: 4hrwv9.gif]

It basically calculates the resonant frequency of an incuctor-capacitor network in a filter. i.e. a radio reciever.

I need to work out C. I can re arrange basic equations but this is way above me. You all seem reasonably intelligebt. Anyone here able to work it out?

By the way: I used THIS for rendering the equation into an image. Takes a bit of getting used to but it's pretty useful one you learn how to use it.
PSPkiller Wrote:OK I need some help re-arranging a formula.

This is it:

[Image: 4hrwv9.gif]

It basically calculates the resonant frequency of an incuctor-capacitor network in a filter. i.e. a radio reciever.

I need to work out C. I can re arrange basic equations but this is way above me. You all seem reasonably intelligebt. Anyone here able to work it out?

Your spoon is complex.

(f0 squared) divided by (L times 2 times pi) = 1 over C

Does this help? I'm assuming you know what L and f0 are.
square everything first.... then try rearranging......
Have you divided by zero yet?
[Image: gif.latex?C = \frac{1}{4\pi^{2} L \int o^{2}}]

Is that it?
Sorry im sleepy, still have a dead brain
i find all this equation rearranging bullchocolate alright mainly cause there's so much of it in physics......
andrewcc Wrote:i find all this equation rearranging bullchocolate alright mainly cause there's so much of it in physics......

Physics and Geometry are my best subjects.
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