Endless Paradigm

Full Version: What OS do you primarily use on your computer?
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I still use XP - having a look to see if I should go to XP x64.  Still too lazy to try Linux, though I have a little bit of experience in it.
Im still using XP.
vista ultimate
Windows XP SP2 Professional.

I also got Vista Ultimate >< but my DSL modem and Printer isn't capable with it lolz.. so i have to keep with XP
WinXP SP2...32Bit
XP for me !

Has most support = 1/2 the programs don't run on anything else.
Windows XP Pro SP2

I'll probably get Vista Ultimate later this year when I get a new computer, but it depends how much they have improved it by then.
XP is what I have.
Windows 95
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