Endless Paradigm

Full Version: What OS do you primarily use on your computer?
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V-chan Wrote: [ -> ]Snow leopard 10.6

Other wise i use Windows 7 Ulitmate

Sames, except my Snow Leopard is a hackintosh, and Windows 7 is home premium
Debian Unstable-Sid x64
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 for gaming/graphics-ing
Windows Xp Professional x86 is also installed just so i can have itunes installed without it fudgeing up my windows 7 partition
win XP SP3
Windows 7 Ultimate x64

trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]Windows Xp Professional x86 is also installed just so i can have itunes installed without it fudgeing up my windows 7 partition

Using Windows 7, it's the only thing I have that works atm. I've got a disc for ME, but it's corrupt, my XP installation didn't quite agree with my new rig and I missed features from Win7...looks nicer :3 I did have linux....but I just couldn't get it to see my wifi card on my rig.
Windows XP SP3 (Dualboot) Ubuntu 10.4 64x Desktop Edition
Windows XP SP3 - for some heavy duty purposes
Windows 7 Ultimate - for some I dunno purposes...lol
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