Endless Paradigm

Full Version: NEW BOXXY VIDEO!
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Pages: 1 2
wow! the internet queen of randomness is seen again here! I can't believe it!
Source: YouTube

at least i think its her...
Um.... who?
boxxy the queen of B?

on 4~chan?
Looks like a typical ADHD.
^ That...
aww you guys are meanies I just love boxxy she is queen of the internet!
If she only came back she would rule all of youtube!
wasent in the video.... trust me wee would tell if it was boxxy there would be hearts made out of fingers
So people actually DO follow other people on the Internet?

That is truly strange.
second from the right, last row.
that's boxxy a snapshot of the video is found in this photo collection of her in part 2:11

Source: YouTube
Pages: 1 2
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