Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I sucessfully drew with sound.
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Pages: 1 2
me and a classmate drew three letters with sound.

wee win.


[Image: 71126248.png]
that's an epic win if i every saw one.
may i ask how
Demix. Wrote:may i ask how

((Six Sine waves x 2) + Pitch Bend) into Foobar2000's spectrum analyzer + screen shot. :D
./xitherun.sh Wrote:
Demix. Wrote:may i ask how

((Six Sine waves x 2) + Pitch Bend) into Foobar2000's spectrum analyzer + screen shot. :D

Here's the sound file I sent through the spectrum analyzer. :p
that was an awesome listen
that's what College of San Mateo sounds like. Hahaha
can you spell "xitherun.sh" >? Yellowcard
That's pretty cool Madwin

./xitherun.sh Wrote:Here's the sound file I sent through the spectrum analyzer. :p
lol, wow....
Pages: 1 2
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