Endless Paradigm

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that's the pass: 3a6_
^ double you tee eff kind of password is that
Senseito7 Wrote:^ double you tee eff kind of password is that
the default

Password is EP

Pass is LOLZ

most music is in Downloads, Documents/Downloads or My Music
having troubles adding people as friends.
Here's mine:


Password: 1e8r

...yeah, I did a fresh install of Kubuntu a few days ago, so I don't have my 12GB of music anymore, but I still have a decent amount.
man that feature is cool.
i posted my entire music file up for DL. around 10 gigs. Enjoy

under Web Server
again pass is ; 3f4bqt79ac24
all you guys need to set up your about me pages . so wee can start adding friends and not have to remember all the damn names. will all be there on side bar
i was going to say this opens an opportunity for piracy, but at the speeds I'm downloading from demix from, i doubt it now XD

this will be great for accessing my computer files from school, the annoying thing though is a know they will block it eventually and there is nothing that can be done about it, that's if it doesn't not work now because of "weighted phrase limit". will be fun while it lasts, just hope my family don't realise i leave my PC on while I'm at school XD
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