Endless Paradigm

Full Version: First Sig Attempt
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Pages: 1 2
it looks fine, nothing wrong ^.^
aspheric Wrote:it looks fine, nothing wrong ^.^

Ok good...I couldn't figure out what was going on. I fixed it and it was good quality in photoshop but when i viewed it here it looked terrible...I even uploaded it to my server and hosted it myself to see if that made a difference Hihi
I like #2 the best; but the person seems a little stretched horizontally. Remember, when resizing rasters, be sure to keep scale, or it looks just a little off.

Other than that, if it's your first go at it, very nice.

Also; forgive my ignorance, but who is it? While I've spent days at a time, immersed up to my elbows in moonspeak and anime before, I've never seen this.
Silvertie Wrote:I like #2 the best; but the person seems a little stretched horizontally. Remember, when resizing rasters, be sure to keep scale, or it looks just a little off.

Other than that, if it's your first go at it, very nice.

Also; forgive my ignorance, but who is it? While I've spent days at a time, immersed up to my elbows in moonspeak and anime before, I've never seen this.

Thanks for the input. When I scaled the girl I held shift to keep the proportions correct...I don't see how it would become stretched

And she is Inner Moka from Rosario + Vampire
Pages: 1 2
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