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If you plan on installing Windows on a Mac, a number of the benefits such as battery life, fast sleep times etc won't work (well, that's what I've heard).
Basically, the only thing you're potentially getting is "better quality build" and resale value for the premium you pay.  Actually, I wouldn't even consider the latter due to the nature of technology - I highly doubt any better resale value will make up for the initial premium.
I personally question the claim of a better build too.  Mainly, the HDD is still going to be vulnerable to shock regardless of the external casing (unless it's like foam or bubblewrap, lol).

If you want to learn a new OS, I'd run it in a VM before committing a large sum of money towards it.

But otherwise, if the design and build of the Macbook suits you, then that would be the obvious choice.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:regardless of the external casing (unless it's like foam or bubblewrap, lol)

QFT buuuuut newer macbooks have the new freefall designed HD's that spin down when the laptops on and its droppped

i had a macbook i couldnt help but bootcamp it and use windows and had better 64bit support than in OSX

new snow leopord now is 64bit but they have disabled it unless you hack it enabled which is silly.

my opinion don't get a Mac spend then same amount on a good refurb grade A or B

i sold my old mac for £450 (3-4 year old)

currently the Mac you want is £800 here

i got this as a Grade A refurb (aka was in shop window) for £600


its rapid and the processkr can be upgraded yourself( plus a hidden working extra minipcie)

my advice just get reurb close to price your paying your will get a silly god PC and still get warranty
squee666 Wrote:QFT buuuuut newer macbooks have the new freefall designed HD's that spin down when the laptops on and its droppped
Might help a bit but ultimately doesn't really mitigate the issue.
I dunno - I lost a portable HDD by dropping it from about 0.5m off the ground, and it wasn't even on.
I have a MacBook Pro and love it. Honestly though the only reason I got it was because it was a great price ($1k and its the top of the line one). If it weren't for that I would go with something different and dual boot with linux
I guess I should go try and play around with a Macbook.

The thing is that despite all arguments and critics, both Windows and Mac OS are stable and very usable. The thing that tips the needle towards the Mac is the fact that I don't think I'll ever need high processing stuff (like transcoding) on a laptop. That will be reserved for my PC, which I will continuously keep upgrading.

As for the build quality, laptops of ~$ 1200 < all tend to have decent build quality, however any other in the Macbook's range, I notice, has a lot of flex here and there (unless its a Vaio). I have played around with the older Macbooks and remember that I was pleased to find strong build qualities.

I have also read that installing Windows onto the Macbook DOES reduce battery life from 7 hours to about 6 hours, as windows doesn't have the powersaver feature that Mac has, but I think even that is pretty decent + There are a few places that I do go to that have no electricity (just riding someplace etc), but most places have power outlets.

I guess, the final decision will be made when the time for purchase comes... That I assume, I'm going to push a little away.
I switched to Mac many months ago after a bad experience involving $2,000 and a Vista Laptop, and I've never looked back. I won't, either.

I don't play games, so that doesn't phase me, and for music production, and photo manipulation I don't believe there is anything better.

It would be nice to have a working uTorrent available (possibly is?  I haven't checked in a few months) but other that that, Mac For the win.
^ Try Azerus/Vuze?
uTorrent Beta is there...
So now that I can get out and move around, I'll drop into a Apple store and check it out...

I'll post my thoughts..
Your gaming instincts will tell you to either dual boot it with windows or sell it so you can play.

Windows For the win!
But all laptops in my house except mine are macs
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