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okie dokie... my mom has her own computer and she has an idiot boyfreind who can't keep gis godamn hands off of every last peice of it so when eerything screwsup he blames the compuet and yells for me then makes me fix evrything so he can fudge it up again....

it was screwdup the first time to a point that it wouldent turn on.
i wiped it after a repair atemept failed and reinstaled the os
he complained of no antivirus i instaled bitdefender with bitdefender firewall
he messed up the seetting trying to hack it i told him to unistall it and reinstall it

insted he just delets it from the program files without unistalling

i woork for hours trying to find every last file and registry value that beloonegd to it modifing them or deleting them

insted of uninstaling something when he effes it up he delets it from the program files and reininstalls it

if somethign dosent work the first time you click on it he mashes the leftclick and cusses

now onto the problem... the firewall wouldent turn on atall i tryed everythign i could think of to fix it... to no avail so i installed zonealarm

wee use wificards for free internet (he 'borrowed' my idea)
he installed the stuff for the wifithing a few hundred times useing his methid...

long story short.. the iternet dosent work atall it sais its conected in one menu then not conected in another.... firefox won't open anythigng
keeps saying its trying to open a jar file

internet explorer asks for an isp ext ext

im tired of working on it... makes me want to an hero

wana help me figure out what the hell is wrong with it?

sofar i got it passworded 2 diff ways

theres no backup he deleted it

i think theres a problem in the system32 aswell he likes to delet eveythign he sees fit

hes a total fudgetard that thinks he knows everything about anythign and will yell and bitch at you debating the point of everything and when you fix something he will copy the programs you used and clam he did everythign... welcome to my world~!~

i can't offer much of anythign other than my gratitude and alot of hershey kisses
1: Slap him in the mouth and make him an xtremely limited account.

2: Use CCleaner to uninstall and fix the Registry keys of your Wi-Fi dealie. Then re-install it once.

3: Here's a better idea. Re-install the OS, use option 1, get a better anti and firewall other than those two, and setup your Interent.

4: Profit.
Internet Explorer double you tee eff? >_>
Joomla12 Wrote:1: Slap him in the mouth and make him an xtremely limited account.
Probably will end up complaining about it.

Tell him to get his own computer, since you are obviously stuffing this one up all the time, right?
OK I know how to boot firefox (find the program "run", if you use vista this should be easy, just click start and then type run in start search, find it,
"%ProgramFiles%\Firefox\firefox.exe" -safe-mode
paste that into it including the " and -safemode, then firefox will boot in safemode from there you'll get some options, your best bet is to turn off all plugins and what not, if Firefox doesn't boot after that, or you can't even proceed in "safemode" you'll have to reinstal... because of "HIM"

as for helping with the computer, uhmm I suggest password locking all the files you don't want to be deleted By restricting them to a certain account and make all the files "invisible" which you can find in "folder options"  That way "HE" can't delete anything.  If you're not aloud to make a user file for yourself (which some parents do) and have an admin account there is a tutorial on how to turn on the MASTER ADMINANSTRATOR account and how to turn it off, using cammand promp somewhere on the internet, I had the code on my computer but my mom screwed it up and brought it to geeksquad to get it restarted...

So yeah, you'll probably have to start from scratch, srry, that's all I can tell you.

(for GOD ADMIN ACCOUNT click the link bellow)
Joomla12 Wrote:1: Slap him in the mouth and make him an xtremely limited account.

2: Use CCleaner to uninstall and fix the Registry keys of your Wi-Fi dealie. Then re-install it once.

3: Here's a better idea. Re-install the OS, use option 1, get a better anti and firewall other than those two, and setup your Interent.

4: Profit.

my advice is similar - do option 3 however password the admin acount, restrict the user acount to the limit, and disalow him to access any files on the system, create a shortcut to add remove programs so he removes them properly and create shortcuts for only what he must have access to. but above all restrict internet explorer to web addresses as it can be used to access the system files which of course wee don't want.

restricting the account would definetly limit the damage but could also limit his use of the machine thereby leading to actual hardware problems (when he loses the rag with it and it ends up in the street - trust me this can happen).

but seriously the best solution is say to him "either learn to use the fudgeing thing or learn to fix it you moronic bastard."
you can help by educating him instead of letting him take his frustrations out on the machine - i see this a lot and teaching them to use it is better than blocking them from using it.
Anger Wrote:but seriously the best solution is say to him "either learn to use the fudgeing thing or learn to fix it you moronic bastard."
you can help by educating him instead of letting him take his frustrations out on the machine - i see this a lot and teaching them to use it is better than blocking them from using it.

heheh, teaching isn't the prettiest thing (especially if they are older or a know-it-all, like he stated above)
Solution: Tell him straight up that he's: "a fudgeing retard when it comes to computers; he should stop fudgeing around with spoon he clearly knows nothing about, and leave it to someone who does know about it"; i.e. you.

Also; allow him access to the most restricted profile you can, and only allow yourself access to anything that's more powerful than that. Knowing him, though, he'll 'Hack' a way through it.

If he still manages to break spoon even more, "conceal" hershey kisses on his desktop with a half-assed method of concealing (folders with misleading names, etc), "discover" it as part of a "routine system check for viruses" and blame it on him. Depending on the quality of the hershey kisses, and it's genre, she may forbid him from using to the computer, all the way up to dumping him.
For best results, get a little of everything; guro, scat, necro, horse, and if you don't mind a little heat from the cops, Child. Someone will be chocolatelisted, and since you wouldn't be that sick/incompetent at hiding that kind of hershey kisses, it's the boyfriend's hit to take.
Framing this wanker is the order of the pentultimate day; make him pay.

Seriously, this fudgenut is dangerous. He doesn't just break spoon, he's like a virus that works it's hardest to do the wrong thing.


PS: Brotip - Don't let him do ANYTHING more dangerous than surf the internets and read email. Don't even let him have uninstall privledges; tell him if he wants spoon gone, he must go to you and make an offering of $5 so you can get rid of it. Your time will be eated up a bit more, but you will get paid for about 3 minutes work, and the system will remain relatively healthy.
Silvertie Wrote:For best results, get a little of everything; guro, scat, necro, horse, and if you don't mind a little heat from the cops, Child. Someone will be chocolatelisted, and since you wouldn't be that sick/incompetent at hiding that kind of hershey kisses, it's the boyfriend's hit to take.
Framing this wanker is the order of the pentultimate day; make him pay.

PSSST, I've got all of that, including
Sorry, you're not getting any of that =P
<.< >.>
*Aspheric passes over a 2000 terabyte hardrive full of GOD only knows what, to Silvertie

Remember "FRAMING SOMEBODY IS BAD" you don't want him to try and kill ya right?.. (serious)
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