Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Pornography.
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
If your dead you can't be surprised.
Method Wrote:
PSPkiller Wrote:Hallo Wolf. Remember, it's not rape of you shout "SURPRISE!!!"


If you kill someone and then decide to engage in sexual intercourse with their corpse (even if it's 4 days old, or longer) it is considered rape.  However if the body had been buried and you had dug it up (from it's grave) then it's not considered rape, you're just titled as a necrophiliac,  well maybe it is considered rape, I dunno, I never dug up a body and had sex with it, THEN GET CAUGHT, so I wouldn't know the consequences of doing so...
I just want to clarify that this in no way indicates my sexual preferences........
Method Wrote:I just want to clarify that this in no way indicates my sexual preferences........

Oh no, Reverand, wee understand.
Senseito7 Wrote:
Method Wrote:I just want to clarify that this in no way indicates my sexual preferences........

Oh no, Reverand, wee understand.
HOly poo poo! D':
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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