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Full Version: [Released] pspHBSortTool - Homebrew/Catagories Sorter
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[Image: psphbsorttoolss.png]

PartQual has released a GUI for sorting your PSP homebrew and game catagories.
Here is what he had to say concerning the release:

Quote:pspHBSortTool v1.1.2
updated 2009.11.24

Following the success of Bubbletune's Game Categories I thought I'd write a little tool which allows you to organise the display order on the PSP of your favourite homebrews.

This tool allows you to change the order your homebrew appears on the PSP within the categories...
...and for those using the context menu you can change the order of the categories too.

I'd appreciate some feedback and/or ideas for additions.

Tested on WinXP connected to PSP running 5.00 M33-6, both phat and slim, and Game Categories v9.


Link to v1.1.2:

Note - it does need .NET Framework to run, as I partially wrote it to refresh my C# knowledge.
This is, of course, freely available from Microsoft.com and is already part of most up to date Windows versions anyway.

NEWS SOURCE:  psp-hacks
doe this app group CAT_ folders together ? Or is it more like the homebrew sorter app ? Do you know ?
Gadget Wrote:doe this app group CAT_ folders together ? Or is it more like the homebrew sorter app ? Do you know ?

CAT_ will not be grouped~
matchung Wrote:
Gadget Wrote:doe this app group CAT_ folders together ? Or is it more like the homebrew sorter app ? Do you know ?

CAT_ will not be grouped~

thanks... & that kind of sucks....

maybe easier trying to manage with this app rather then the homebrew sorter on psp...

These apps should recognize CAT_ folder contents & group them together...Rather displaying all CAT folders merged together & all mixed up...It would make life easier when sorting.
Gadget Wrote:
matchung Wrote:
Gadget Wrote:doe this app group CAT_ folders together ? Or is it more like the homebrew sorter app ? Do you know ?

CAT_ will not be grouped~

thanks... & that kind of sucks....

maybe easier trying to manage with this app rather then the homebrew sorter on psp...

These apps should recognize CAT_ folder contents & group them together...Rather displaying all CAT folders merged together & all mixed up...It would make life easier when sorting.

This program can group CAT_ folder contents together !
Or it can group them all together.  All you have to do is change the option    ;)
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:
Gadget Wrote:
matchung Wrote:
Gadget Wrote:doe this app group CAT_ folders together ? Or is it more like the homebrew sorter app ? Do you know ?

CAT_ will not be grouped~

thanks... & that kind of sucks....

maybe easier trying to manage with this app rather then the homebrew sorter on psp...

These apps should recognize CAT_ folder contents & group them together...Rather displaying all CAT folders merged together & all mixed up...It would make life easier when sorting.

This program can group CAT_ folder contents together !
Or it can group them all together.  All you have to do is change the option    ;)

haha, I tried it anyways & noticed it does.  That makes me happy lol...

all you have to do is press the "category tab"...

But I noticed after I went to exited the application I could not restart it.  I checked my processes & it was still running in the background...I killed the process & then I was able to execute it once again.
This program is great Madwin

Very handy  Yay
I prefer homebrew sorter cause I can do all this straight from my PSP :)
nicodemus82 Wrote:I prefer homebrew sorter cause I can do all this straight from my PSP :)

homebrew sorter is too disorganized for me.   I don't like how it lists all the homebrew from every category in one huge list....
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:
nicodemus82 Wrote:I prefer homebrew sorter cause I can do all this straight from my PSP :)

homebrew sorter is too disorganized for me.   I don't like how it lists all the homebrew from every category in one huge list....

I agree that is why i asked if this app sorted per CAT_ folder....
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